PHASE I: weeks 0-6
Weeks 0-2:
- Control pain and inflammation
- Protect fixation and soft tissues
- Regain quadriceps and VMO Control.
Brace: range of motion knee brace locked in extension for ambulating and not performing PT exercises
Range of motion: limit 0-90 deg
Weight bearing: partial weight-bearing
- Quadriceps sets
- Hamstring isometrics
- Straight leg raises in four planes with brace locked in extension
- Non-weight bearing gastoc-soleus and hamstring stretches
- Resisted ankle range of motion with therabands
- Patellar mobilization when tolerated – focusing on superior, inferior and medial, not lateral
- Heat before
- Ice after activities
- Quadriceps stim
- Use NMES and TENS and order for home as well.
(Please contact Dr. Takenishi if ROM is restricted or significant difficulty obtaining ROM especially in the first 6 weeks after surgery)
Weeks 2-6:
Brace: range of motion knee brace locked in extension for ambulating and sleeping
Range of motion: increase to 0-120 deg (120 deg by week 4) and full range of motion after week 4
Weight bearing: weight-bearing as tolerated at 4 weeks with knee in extension
Continue above exercises:
Phase II: weeks 6-12
ONLY progress to Phase II if patient has no signs of active inflammation, a good quadriceps set and appropriate amount of allowed flexion
- Increase range of motion to full
- Avoid over-stressing fixation
- Increase quadriceps and VMO control for restoration of proper patellar tracking
Weeks 6-8:
Brace: keep locked in extension while ambulating and sleeping until patient shows adequate quadriceps control (usually minimum of 8 weeks)
Range of motion: slowly increase range of motion to goal of full flexion by 10-12 weeks
Weight bearing: WBAT
- Continue Phase I exercises
- Balance and proprioceptive exercises
- SLRs without brace
- Weight bearing gastroc-soleus stretches
- Stationary bike with low resistance and high seat position to decrease patellofemoral joint compression forces
Weeks: 8-12
Start to discontinue crutches first and then remove brace next
Brace: May discontinue brace only after good, active control of the knee are demonstrated
Range of motion: progress to full range of motion
- Step-ups
- Closed kinetic chain terminal knee extension with resistive tubing or weight machine
- Hamstring curls
- Toe raises
- Leg press from 0-45 deg of flexion
- Flexibility and proprioception exercises
- Progress to moderate resistance on stationary bike
- Begin treadmill walking
PHASE III: 4 months to 6 months
- Good to normal quadriceps strength
- No evidence of patellar instability
- No Soft tissue complaints
- Normal gait pattern
Exercises: - Open and closed kinetic chain strengthening
- Pool running program
- Increase difficulty and intensity of treadmill, bike, and elliptical trainer
- Progress to running and sprinting program after 4-5 months and sport specific drills.
- Progress to full sports after 6-7 months when quadriceps girth are equal in size and patient demonstrates good proprioception on each leg (equal single leg squats without imbalance, and equal single leg hop progression)