Physical Therapy Protocol Download Instructions ACL Reconstruction with Bone Patellar Bone Autograft Overall Goals: Return the athlete to sports no sooner than 9 months and to make the athlete a better, safer athlete to prevent future injuries. Immediate...
Download Instructions The patient will be strict non weight-bearing on the lower extremity for 6 weeks and then weight-bearing as tolerated. Will limit the range of motion of 0 to 30 degrees for 3 weeks and then limit to 0 to 90 degrees from week 3 to 6. Following...
Overall Goals: Download Instructions Return the athlete to sports no sooner than 10 months and to make the athlete a better, safer athlete to prevent future injuries. Will take athlete slower through the rehabilitation process due to revision surgery. Immediate...
Download Instructions PHASE I: Post-operative weeks 0-4 NWB for 6 wks, Brace locked in extension for ambulating and sleeping for minimum of 8 wks or until quad function returns. Focus on preventing posterior subluxation of tibia to prevent PCL reconstruction...